Chaos to Peace with Conny: Clearing Clutter & Organizing with a Spiritual Twist for Busy Solopreneurs Who Work from Home

220. Chaos to Peace Jumpstart - Astrology Meets Getting Organized For Lasting Change

Conny Graf Season 2 Episode 220
If you're feeling overwhelmed by chaos and clutter in your workspace and life listen up:  I've created the 21-day Chaos to Peace Jumpstart Live Program to help you transform your environment and finances.

Starting on June 20th, 2024, at the Solstice, we'll embark on this journey together. Using Astrology as a basis, you'll gain self-awareness and how you function (or I like to call it how you tick) and then you build the foundations for:

  • Peace of Mind
  • Peace of Space
  • Peace & Profit

This isn't about Instagram-worthy perfection or becoming a minimalist. It's about real habits and processes that fit your unique way of operating.

Become a founding member, join today and take the first steps toward a more organized and peaceful life and business.

Ready to jumpstart your journey? Learn more and sign up at >> Chaos to Peace Jumpstart

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Conny Graf:

Well, hello, my friend, welcome to the Chaos to Peace podcast and thank you so much for allowing me back into your ears. I'm your host, C onny Graf, and today I want to talk about how to break free from the chaos and clutter that suffocates our business, life and soul. And yes, I know that's what I usually talk about, that's what is dear to my heart, that is the heart of my business and the heart of the message of this podcast. But today we're diving in even deeper and since you're listening, since you're here and listening, I know you're already on a journey to reduce clutter and chaos in your life. So let me ask you this Would you love to learn and understand your unique traits and how they influence how you approach this journey of clearing the chaos and how to get organized? I think this is really important. We are not all the same, we don't function all the same or, how I say, we don't all tick the same way. When we just take on strategies and techniques of other people that tell us how we can get organized or how we can clear the chaos, then we neglect that those tips and techniques might not work for us because we function a different way. And when we recognize how we naturally function. It will foster so much more self-compassion and also eliminate some of the self-criticism if not all of the self-criticism when things don't work out with certain techniques or when we compare ourselves to others and think, why can't they do it? But I can't. Well, maybe you're not using the right techniques or the right approach for how you tick, for how you function right, and so this is something I was working on for a long time and I just couldn't get it lifting off. And now I'm so excited that I actually can talk about it and that I can offer it. And I have talked a little bit about it in the past few episodes. I have hinted a little bit to it, but today, today is the day that I dedicate the entire episode to it. And what is it you think? Well, it's my brand new Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program that I've created, and I want to start at the solstice on June 20th, 2024, which is next week, if you listen to this in real time, and I would so much love for you to join us.

Conny Graf:

Now, before I tell you more about the program, I want to say a few things. First, before you worry that this program is about creating perfectly neat, instagram-worthy workspaces or becoming a minimalist or an organization geek or a labeling machine ninja, let me assure you, this program is not about that at all. I don't have an Instagram-worthy workspace, nor am I a minimalist, and even though I do own a labeling machine, I haven't used it in years. No lie or joke. Instead, this program, or in this program, we focus on developing real habits, practical processes and leveraging your strength. First we figure out how you tick and how you function, and then we apply the right habits and processes that go along with your traits or how you tick and how you function, and that will make a big difference and will help you make sustainable changes that work for you and your unique environment. And then the second thing I wanted to share is a personal story. I wanted to create this program for such a long time, as I said, I was working on this for a long time way longer than I'm willing to admit and I just couldn't get it done.

Conny Graf:

I procrastinated there I said it, and we procrastinate sometimes with important stuff. I just read that this morning in a book and it makes so much sense. We procrastinate because what we want to do, what we really want to do also scares us or it creates anxiety in us, and then our brain takes over and puts everything else, all the busy work, in front of it and then we never, never have time to do the real thing that we really want to do, that we're actually passionate about and that we say we want to do. But no, no, we procrastinate. And I actually say it even harsher we're not just procrastinating, we're actually sabotaging ourselves. I definitely sabotage myself a lot, and in this case again, I don't even want to admit for how long I sabotaged myself.

Conny Graf:

So now, what then happened is last month, in May, I signed up for a 21-day course on how to create a 21-day course. Yes, very meta, and let me tell you, it helped me tremendously to get it done. It helped me tremendously to get it done. The guidance, the framework, the weekly calls, the deadlines and the accountability kept me actually all of us in the group motivated to keep going and to get it done. I got over my sabotaging self, I took it serious and during the 21 days I created the outline for my program and got that into my course platform. I got a sales page up well as good as possible, and I wrangled the tech to make sure that you can purchase this program now.

Conny Graf:

Now I am finally able to offer you this course as a live experience, something I wanted to do for such a long time and if you decide to join me, you will be one of the founding members. Not everything will be smooth or perfect, but I will give my absolute best and the price is the lowest it will ever be, and you will have access to any upcoming, new or improved versions for free, of course, and I do plan to tweak and upgrade and update this course, make it better and better, and if you want to be one of these founding members, jump in now and you can give your feedback, and I can take your feedback into consideration and make the course better. That way, what I'm really offering is a similar experience that I had in May A container of 21 to 30 days to get something done that you wanted to get done for a long time, and the awesome part is you don't have to do it alone. You can jumpstart your journey with me and others in a small group. I aim for about seven people, 12 max. Together with others, you'll create the foundation to a clutter-free and supportive environment, and we will have live calls where you get support and guidance, where you share your progress, hear what others do or did or didn't do, and you are held accountable. And those calls will also help you stay motivated and, best of all, you will do what needs to be done. Then we all come together to celebrate.

Conny Graf:

So one last thing before I tell you more details about my brand new program called Chaos the Peace Jumpstart. Why are we starting at the solstice? Why the solstice? Well, the solstice marks a turning point. For those here in the northern hemisphere, it symbolizes the peak of light before transitioning to a period of reflection and growth, while for those in the southern hemisphere, it heralds the journey towards brighter days. Sounds fancy, right, but it's basically a turning point that makes it the perfect time for new beginnings and transformation. And so it aligns really well with the goals of this program and the Jumpstart framework, because it's designed to help you lay the foundation for transforming your chaotic environment into a well-organized, supportive and profitable space.

Conny Graf:

And yes, I always say like a few minutes a day keeps the chaos away. But I was thinking like if we could jumpstart this, if we can focus, maybe for 21 to 30 days, really focus on it. Lay the foundation and then switch over to the few minutes a day keeps the chaos away. That might serve you better to actually be motivated and stay motivated. Right, and 21 days is really doable. You can focus on something for 21 days. You will not need every day 8 hours, of course, but it will be your main focus, just as it was for me to create this course. It was the main focus Besides the daily work I do, besides my client work. It was the focus and we can take the focus for 21 days onto something specific and lay the foundation and do what we need to do. And we're so much better off afterwards, right? So let me walk you through what you can expect from this program that I put together, from this program that I put together.

Conny Graf:

So in the first part, or the first week, we're going through four peace of mind. In this phase, you will learn to understand your unique traits and we're using the elements from astrology for that. And why is this important? Like I said in the beginning, already, recognizing how you naturally function fosters really self-compassion and eliminates self-criticism. And this is important because I talk a lot about mental clutter and this self-criticism is a lot of mental clutter, for not being able to do something that we think we should be able to do. But maybe you're using the wrong approach that really doesn't align with how you tick or how you function by nature. So, instead of comparing yourself constantly to others or again engage in self-criticism, you learn to embrace your unique traits and your unique ways of operating and then we align certain techniques with how you tick, with how you function, and this shift in mindset and also this different way of approaching getting organized and clearing the clutter around you will really be the foundation for all the other changes you're going to make afterwards. And this is kind of like the foundation for the foundation, right? So, coming from the inside out, how you work, how you function, is going to be the foundation of everything else. Then, in the second week, I talk about piece of space where we move into the physical space. We tackle the physical clutter in your workspace and I introduce you to my framework on how to create a supportive workspace and show you practical strategies to organize your office for maximum efficiency and imagine walking into a workspace that not only looks clean and organized I mean, to a degree again, we're not aiming for Instagram-worthy, picture-perfect, magazine-worthy workspaces, but just clean and organized that make you feel peaceful, and where you have everything at your fingertips that is more important than it. Looking awesome or Instagram worthy is just how it makes you feel, and that you have everything at your fingertips that you need to be able to work in a productive, calm way, without having to search for things and getting all frazzled and worked up right, and then this transformation will really boost your productivity, and with productivity I'm not mainly meaning that you have to work like a workhorse or whatever. It's just you will be more productive because you're less stressed out and because everything is there that you need and you're not. Your brain doesn't have to filter out the chaos and you don't have to search for things. It's all right there and you can just get into the flow. That's maybe the best way how to describe it. You get into the flow and you reduce your stress levels significantly and because of that, you will show up better for your clients, and you will also show up better for yourself and for your loved ones when you're off work better for yourself and for your loved ones when you're off work. And then in the third part or in the third week or however, in whatever pace you're doing this, we dive into peace and profits and that is managing your finances. But you know, it's not about taxes and coding and bookkeeping and all that. That's not really what I'm talking about. I want to talk with you how I look at finances, not as the unloved stepchild, but more like like a lighthouse a lighthouse that is guiding the direction of our business. Most business owners only pay attention to their finances when they're preparing tax reports or when they have to deliver the numbers and the paperwork to their accountants so that person can do the tax report. But I want to shift that mindset with you. I want to show you how I use financial data as a strategic tool for decision making and growth growth of my business and also how to take away the fear that so many people have when they're looking at finances, sticking their head in the ground or in the sand. Sand. I wanted to say yeah, so with the right system in place. And again, it's not about coding and accounting and bookkeeping. It's none of all of this. What I want to talk about in Peace of Profit, is how you can achieve clarity and confidence around your finances, which then leads to better decision making and, more well, ultimately greater profit, about profitability, because you are actually in charge of your number and not the numbers are in charge of you or your anxiety. Right, I have my framework up and how I hope to find you that wants to join and help me build out this program with your feedback, and we're gonna have fun and it's gonna be really satisfying for you to finally make progress and to actually finally be heard too, especially if you always thought that you couldn't get organized. You were just not an organized person, you were just chaotic by nature. No, you're not. We will find the perfect way that works for you. So that's one reason why you should join the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program. But I want to talk about another reason too. Let's talk a little bit about time, because we often find ourselves spending or wasting time on tasks that don't move us forward and instead they're adding to our stress and to our clutter. And in a survey conducted by the NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, 27% of people said they feel disorganized at work. 27% of people said they feel disorganized at work and then, from those 27%, 91% said they would be more effective and efficient in their workplace if it were more organized and, additionally, 28% said they would probably save an hour per day. An hour per day just imagine how much time that is. One hour per day translates into five hours per work week if we're just working Monday to Friday, which a lot of entrepreneurs that are in chaos and stressed work more than five days a week, but let's do five. Work more than five days a week, but let's do five. So one wasted hour a day translates to five hours per work week, which adds up to 260 hours a year. It's crazy. And that is almost 11 days, 11 full, 24 hour days out of the year, spent dealing with chaos and stress. That does sound crazy, right? So what if you could invest some time instead to reduce this wasted time, to reduce or to gain back 260 hours per year? I mean, nobody says you have to work in these 260 hours a year or these 11 days. Maybe you can take extra vacation, maybe you can take days off, or just half of the days off, and the other days you use for a passion project. What would you do with 260 hours? Getting them back? Just by investing some time for 21 days. By dedicating 21 days to this program that I created, you would be investing in a future where you efficient and peaceful life and workspace, freeing up your time for whatever truly matters. As I said, take more time off, go travel or work on a passion project that you always say you have no time because you're so busy. Well, you get 11 days back if you just save one hour a day. Even if you don't save one hour a day, maybe it's just half an hour. For you, that's still 130 hours a year. That's a lot of hours, right? And time is the only thing we can't make more of. Well, no, we can't create more time, we can't make more time. We can always make more money, but we can't make more time. We can't make more time. We can always make more money, but we can't make more time. But what we can do is claim back time that gets taken from us, and I find it so sad when it gets taken from us just because we're unorganized and it's a chaos around us, right? C So now I talked already for, I think, 20 minutes, so let's hear from a few people that have worked with me before and what they were saying. So one person said I never realized how much my cluttered space was affecting my productivity and stress levels. Working with you, C onny, was a game changer for me. Or somebody else said understanding my unique traits helped me stop being so hard on myself. Now I feel more in control and less stressed. And a third one. I don't want to go on and on, but I want to say a third one. My finances were a mess, but you helped me create a system that works for me. I'm now less anxious about money and more profitable. And again, those are just three examples of feedback that I have received, and I believe the next success story could be yours, because I really truly think you could get some time back. You can get some hours back and you can reduce your stress level and your anxiety level If you just learn what works for you and how you tick or you function, and we can get you get organized your way. That's the main message I want to say. You will be organized your way To join the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program. You can head over to my website. The link is conny graf dot conniegraffcom forward slash jumpstart and then you can sign up. I will also put this link in the show notes and remember we start on June 20th and spaces are limited, but I really want you to be part of this incredible journey. y And now, before I wrap up this episode, I want to leave you with one more thought. Clutter and chaos don't have to control your life. You really have the power to change your environment and your mindset and, with the right guidance and support, you can create a space that nurtures your productivity. Like I said, we're doing this for you and how you work, how you tick, and it will create more peace and more profits in your business. And, as you hear me say so often, clearing clutter is self-love and we can do it in just a few minutes a day, and with this Jumpstart program, we lay the foundation to do that. Okay, my friend, that's it for today. Thank you for joining me on the Chaos to Peace podcast and for listening all the way to the end. If you know someone who might be interested in the Jumpstart program, please share this episode with them. Okay, I'm Conny Graf and until next time, take good care, stay organized and stay peaceful.

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