Chaos to Peace with Conny: Clearing Clutter & Organizing with a Spiritual Twist for Busy Solopreneurs Who Work from Home

201. Harness The Power Of The Moon To Set 10X Intentions For 2024

Conny Graf Season 2 Episode 201

This episode is about why now, under the first New Moon's glow, is the perfect moment to lay the groundwork for growth by setting intentions and goals for 2024. 

I cover
- Why setting intentions for 2024 now at the New Moon in Capricorn more favourable than for example back on January 1st 
- how the energy of the Moon and her phases influence us, our energy state and therefore our actions
- what intentions we can set now 
- and why Dr. Benjamin Hardy's says 10x goals are easier than 2x goals

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to my podcast from Chaos to Peace with Connie. I am Connie Graf and your host, and I will explore with you how a few minutes a day can keep the chaos away, and with chaos we're talking about the physical, digital, social, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter that can accumulate in our life and business. In every episode, I want to make you aware how clutter is so much more than you think, how it affects your finances and how clearing your clutter leads to more time, more money and more peace. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

Well, hello, my friend. Welcome to the podcast and to episode 201 of the From Chaos to Peace with Connie podcast. Thank you so much for allowing me back into your ears and if this is your first time here, a very warm welcome to you too. I'm so honored that you're checking out my podcast. If you listen to this in time, when it's released on January 8th, 2024, this week will be the first new moon of the year and, as I mentioned in my last episode, this is a much better time to set intentions and commit to goals for 2024 than on January 1st. You can hear you can hear all about why in episode 200.

Speaker 2:

But something else why is setting intentions at a new moon more favorable? Well, the new moon is our natural guide for living with the rhythm of the forces of nature and the moon is a natural day planner. It has always acted as a kind of calendar for farmers, who relied on the moon phases and movement through the signs for planting and harvesting, for sailors that noted their position and the effects of the tides on them. And in astrology, we connect the moon and her movements to the most mundane domestic habits of everyday life. The moon moves through eight phases each month in her journey through the zodiac. For my intention setting process, I have simplified this by focusing on only two phases. The cycle starts with the new moon for intention setting, and then the waxing moon period, which is the time between the new moon and the full moon, when the moon is increasing in light so it gets bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter, and this is the best time for initiation, action and forward movement. This is the best half of the month for putting plans into action. The second phase is the full moon for gratitude, and then during the vanning moon period, that is the time between the full moon and the new moon, when the new moon, when the moon is decreasing in light, when it gets smaller and smaller until we don't see it anymore at new moon. This is a more natural cycle for revising and revisiting and fulfilling the intentions of the waxing moon phases by carrying out those plans, releasing things and examining the results we got so far. So now we get to why January 1st wasn't the best time to set intentions for 2024. This is because on January 1st the moon was still in a waning period and while everyone sets intentions and resolutions that they soon have forgotten about, I harnessed the good energy to review, revise and release, and that was what I talked about in episode 200, and if you haven't heard that yet, it's still time to go back and listen to that and do the exercises that will benefit you for setting intentions Now.

Speaker 2:

With the new moon this week in Capricorn, the energy seems filled with possibilities and we have the moons and therefore nature's energy on our side to make big plans. We are in the right energy state. On this powerful new moon, the motto is start fresh and it's the best time to start new things. Initiate our vision for the year and the months ahead.

Speaker 2:

Still, last year I read the book 10x is easier than 2x by Dr Benjamin Hardy, and he encourages us in that book to make big, lofty goals. He makes the case that a goal 10 times bigger than where we are right now is much easier to achieve than a goal just 2 times bigger. He says that is because it requires us to think in a different way. What we have done so far is not enough to reach a 10 times bigger goal, so we need to come up with a different mindset and different actions. It requires us to focus on the 20% that moves us forward and let go of the 80% that is just filler and busy work. He also says, and I quote creating 10x results doesn't require you to be 10 times better than everyone else. Even being 10 to 20% better and different from everything else can produce 10x bigger results. And his mentor and co-author, dan Sullivan, says the only way to make your present better is by making your future bigger.

Speaker 2:

So let's set intentions and goals for 2024 in that light, because this new moon and waxing phase up to the full moon on the 25th of January is a cycle that is good to set intentions related to setting goals. It's a bit meta, but setting goals, and which means committing to setting goals and following through the moon cycle, can help you with that. It's also a good time for professional development. What are your goals for your business? Do you have a vision and do you have a budget? I know most people don't want to hear about a budget, but it's setting intentions for your money and if you don't do that, you will not reach your financial goals. It's also a time for major projects that require planning and tenacity. So here is your action plan for this week of the year.

Speaker 2:

Step one make a list of your long term goals, your 10x goals, your intentions and resolutions for this year that you will review every new moon from now on. If you're a visual person, you might enjoy creating a vision board either on paper or digitally. I have used Pinterest for a digital vision board before, but now I usually just do it in my phone for easy access with photos and snippets that I find that inspire me and represent my 10x goal. To figure out what your 10x goal is, you can ask yourself what do you truly want more than anything else? What would excite you more than anything else to be, do or have? What would you be and do if you weren't afraid of what others thought of you? And how would it feel to be more honest and real with yourself and the world? Those questions are also from the book 10x is easier than 2x by Dr Benjamin Hardy. Those maybe help you figure out your 10x goal.

Speaker 2:

Maybe your 10x goal is to get really organized in 2024. How would that look and who would you have to be to reach that goal? Ask yourself those questions in step one and then you move on to step two. You want to review your notes from last week about what worked well in 2023, what didn't work well and what you plan on doing differently this year. And then, when you review that, move on to step number three, where you create a second list, a list of this month's goals and intentions. It goes without saying that you would look at your yearly goal to see how you need to break it down into smaller chunks and then set a goal to accomplish the first smaller junk towards your yearly goal.

Speaker 2:

Now in January, on this month's full moon, you will review how far you have come working on these goals and we might have to tweak some things. So stay tuned for that episode. Lastly, please subscribe to this podcast and come back to listen to more on how I set goals and intentions, with the energy of nature and the moon phases, to move from chaos to peace in my life, business and finances. Okay, my friend, that was it for this week. I really hope you set your intentions for this month and this year together with me and with the powerful help of the new moon. Thank you for listening all the way to the end. Have a beautiful and amazing week. Talk to you next time, take good care and stay safe.

Speaker 1:

If you struggle with clutter in your home office files or finances, please sign up for a complimentary clutter clarity chat. I would love to tell and show you how I can help. You can find the scheduling link in the show notes.

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