Chaos to Peace with Conny: Clearing Clutter & Organizing with a Spiritual Twist for Busy Solopreneurs Who Work from Home

223. Spending Time vs Investing Time (in life and business)

Conny Graf Season 2 Episode 223

In today's episode I talk about the power of investing time versus merely spending it. I challenge you to shift your thinking, I believe this is a corner stone of being organized and working efficiently.

Imagine having the support and guidance you need to set up the foundation to conquer your chaos once and for all. That's what I offer with Jumpstart —helping you pave the way to a more organized, efficient business.
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Well, hello, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the Chaos to Peace podcast, where I talk about how clutter is so much more than you think. Thank you so much for allowing me back into your ears. I'm your host, Conny Graf, and today I want to talk about something I recently realized. While deep into creating content for Chaos to Peace Jumpstart, my new program, I realized I've never talked about investing time versus spending time here on the podcast.


Yet this is really surprising, because it's a concept that has been fundamental to how I approach my work since the very beginning of my career. Already, in my very first job, I created templates and systems once in order to save loads of time afterwards, which made me very efficient and is, I believe, the core reason why people always tell me Conny, you're so organized. Now, I'm not quite sure where I got this from, this investing time versus spending time. It's just something I naturally always did. Maybe it stems from the tendency to make life and work easier for myself by creating efficient systems all the time. After all, I used to joke around and say I'm very lazy, but now I don't think anymore I'm lazy. I just always try to work smarter instead of harder, especially with the boring admin stuff right, and so this got me thinking about how a lot of people approach their work from a concept of spending time, or even wasting time, rather than investing some time to later save some time. Maybe you are caught yourself in this trap. Let me ask you how often have you found yourself saying I have no time for that. This takes too much time. I don't feel like spending my time on that right now. To me, that's a bottom-up approach. We're sitting in the weeds, have lots to do and therefore think we can't take the time to set things up in a way that serves us both now and also in the future. But with a bit of a mindset shift and a change in perspective and maybe a little bit of laziness sprinkled in, we can take a top-down approach and start asking ourselves more impactful questions like how much time am I wasting right now, or how much time will it save me down the road if I set this up as a template or a system?


This shift in thinking is so powerful. A top-down question might also be what is worth my time, or how do I want to use my time? I don't think anyone prefers to scramble day in and day out in an unorganized space wasting time finding things, but they are lost in the weeds, playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with their stuff and their files, a game where the chaos always wins. What is really needed is this perspective shift. Top-down questions help us prioritize and make intentional choices about where we direct our energy and our time. It's like being the boss of our own time, instead of letting clutter and chaos boss us around.


You've probably heard it before and, yes, it is very cheesy, but it is so true Time is the most precious resource we have, so how do you want to spend it? Do you want to invest it in what truly matters or let it slip away in the chaos? Now, of course, I'm not suggesting that you should spend all your time clearing clutter and getting organized. That would be a waste of time too. And who wants to feel like they're stuck in a never-ending episode of an office makeover show? What I'm saying is that, by setting up your life and business in a way that minimizes the time you waste trying to find things or files, or reinventing the wheel over and over, you can invest some time now. That will free up more time for the things that bring you joy and fulfillment in the future, or more time for the work that really matters, and the benefits are not just once, but over and over. So if you are ready to kick chaos in the curb and master the art of finding your stapler on the first try, then it's time to dive into Chaos the Piece.


Jumpstart. My new program, is not at all about color coding your folders or something silly like that. It's about setting up your workspace in a way that makes finding and filing effortless, supports your work style and ensures everything is where it needs to be when you need it. In Jumpstart, you learn how to create systems that work for you, so you can spend less time searching for lost files and more time focusing on what matters most your work, your client work or taking time off work, whatever is needed. Imagine having the support and guidance you need to set up the foundations to conquer the chaos once and for all. That's what I want to offer you in Jumpstart helping you pave the way to a more organized, peaceful life and business.


If you listen to this, in July 2024, you can join us, still as a founding member, by going to connygraf. com forward slash jumpstart. That is, connygraf c-o-n-n-y-g-r-a-f dot com. Forward slash jumpstart. Well, whether you join us or not, please remember wisely investing your time now instead of thinking you need to spend time or aimlessly wasting time. Even worse is what leads to be organized and gets you to move from chaos to peace. Okay, my friend, that's it for today, just a little inspirational episode. Thank you for joining me and for listening all the way to the end. I am Conny Graf, your host, and until next time, take good care, stay clutter-free, organized and peaceful. Thank you.

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