Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants

221. Discover Your Inner Animal Ally To Organize Your Workspace (introducing my new quiz)

June 17, 2024 Conny Graf Season 2 Episode 221
221. Discover Your Inner Animal Ally To Organize Your Workspace (introducing my new quiz)
Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants
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Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants
221. Discover Your Inner Animal Ally To Organize Your Workspace (introducing my new quiz)
Jun 17, 2024 Season 2 Episode 221
Conny Graf

>> I'd love to hear from you, send me a Text Message ;-)

What if you could unlock a little helper, your inner animal alliy? I'm introducing my brand-new Archetype Quiz that helps you transform your approach to clearing clutter and organizing by revealing whether you resonate with a fiery dragon, grounded tortoise, curious hummingbird, or empathetic dolphin.

Inspired by the elements of astrology and Carl Jung's archetypes, this quiz highlights your natural strengths and tendencies, helping to reduce self-criticism and boost self-compassion. This unique tool also serves as a foundational element in the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program in the Peace of Mind module.

So, are you ready to meet your Animal Ally? Just a little curious?
>> Take the quiz
>> Become a founding member of Jumpstart

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>> I'd love to hear from you, send me a Text Message ;-)

What if you could unlock a little helper, your inner animal alliy? I'm introducing my brand-new Archetype Quiz that helps you transform your approach to clearing clutter and organizing by revealing whether you resonate with a fiery dragon, grounded tortoise, curious hummingbird, or empathetic dolphin.

Inspired by the elements of astrology and Carl Jung's archetypes, this quiz highlights your natural strengths and tendencies, helping to reduce self-criticism and boost self-compassion. This unique tool also serves as a foundational element in the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program in the Peace of Mind module.

So, are you ready to meet your Animal Ally? Just a little curious?
>> Take the quiz
>> Become a founding member of Jumpstart

From Chaos to Peace Consulting Inc -

Get notified of the next live round of Chaos to Peace Jumpstart

Conny Graf:

Well, hello, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the From Chaos to Peace podcast, and thank you so much for allowing me into your ears. I'm your host, C conne Graf, and I'm super excited about today's episode because it's all about something fresh, fun and a little bit magical that I've just created over the weekend. Actually, it was something that I was working on for a while, but this past weekend I don't know what really happened. I was putting it all together and I could not stop working. I went a little bit on a frenzy. I literally spent all day, saturday and Sunday, putting this together. And that's right, my friend, while you were out enjoying Father's Day weekend, I was hunkered down with my laptop, but fueled by copious amounts of coffee and sheer determination to get this done. I didn't miss much, as it was raining a lot here, and so, thanks goodness, my creative juices were flowing like from a fire hose, and it was almost like I was obsessed, or maybe I was even possessed, who knows. Either way, the muse really came through big time this last weekend, and I got it all done. And what am I talking about? Well, I created a quiz, and the quiz helps you figure out what kind of organizational archetype you are. But I want to say first, before I even continue, that this is not to put you in a box at all. It is really more to bring to the surface what your innate element and archetype is, so that you can engage your strength and be aware of your challenges when you create your clutter-free environment. Looking at things this way is really a big help, and so, again, it's not to put you into the box, it's actually showing you how you really function from the inside out. And to make this all a bit more fun, I thought I use an animal ally to showcase these archetypes. Each of the four animal allies represent an archetype that is based on astrology Well, in astrology, on to the elements from astrology. So the elements in astrology are fire, earth, air and water.

Conny Graf:

But before we go on, I also want to say that it's not just astrology that talks about these archetypes. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, was also working with these archetypes and he said they represent the functions of consciousness, and that's a really fancy way of saying. What I'm saying is it's just how you function from the inside out, it's how you are by nature, and Carl Jung, even though he was into astrology, he didn't use animal allies. Of course that's my idea. But he also didn't necessarily talk about fire, earth, air and water. What he was talking about is types, and so the fiery type he called intuition type, and the earthy type, so the person with more earth he called the sensation type, and then the person with a lot of air he called the thinking type and lastly, the people with a lot of water, the feeling type. So, as you can see, this is not a new idea and I don't claim it's a new idea. I just put a fun twist with the animal ally on to this.

Conny Graf:

My foundation is basically astrology, but it was really interesting to hear that Carl Jung, this Swiss psychologist, was also working with these archetypes and, in the case of my quiz, these inner animal allies are here, as I said before, to help you understand and navigate your unique traits and organizational style, and they will support and guide you in your journey from chaos to peace. Understanding your archetype can seriously help you cut down on self-criticism and comparing yourself to others. So all this mental clutter that we're usually accumulating and I talk a lot about it, mental clutter is also one of my issues, like all the limiting beliefs and the self-criticism that creeps up on us that creeps up on us, and when we learn that this is how we are, we can start to accept it and, instead of comparing ourselves or beating ourselves up about not being able to do something the way other people are doing it, it helps to develop a sense of self-compassion and curiosity. Being curious Okay, if that doesn't work for me, what does work for me? And then this sparks the motivation to figure out how to move on and how to create your clutter-free workspace right.

Conny Graf:

And so the reason why this quiz is coming now, in the middle of my launch for the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program, is because this whole concept of how do we function, how do we tick, that's exactly what I focus on in the first week of the Chaos to Peace Jumpstart program. I call this module the peace of mind, because our mind is more at peace when there is less self-criticism, less judgment and less negative beliefs. Our innate traits and organizational style is crucial if you don't want to waste your time and have clutter creeping back in over and over, as it happens so often with people. Therefore, this understanding of your archetype, your inner animal ally, sets the foundation for peace of space that we discuss in week two, and peace and profit that we discuss in week three. So if you ever wondered why you approach clutter the way you do, or why certain organizational tips that you read or hear about just don't seem to stick with you, then this quiz is for you. You will figure it out why. So here's a little sneak peek of what you can expect.

Conny Graf:

So the quiz will determine whether you are a fiery dragon who dives headfirst into tackling clutter or anything for that matter. Or perhaps you're more like a grounded tortoise who prefers to make a detailed plan before doing anything. Or maybe you're a curious hummingbird seeking to understand the bigger picture first. Or you could also be an empathetic dolphin who considers their emotional state and attachments beforehand before doing anything. Now, of course, we're all a blend of these four elements, right? Nobody is just or well, that's maybe not true with nobody, but almost nobody is only fire or only earth, or only air or only water. We're all kind of a blend of some kind in one way or another.

Conny Graf:

So it's not about again to just stick you in a box and say, oh, you're fire or you're water. What it is is to show you what is your dominant element, what is your dominant inner animal ally and then take that into consideration when you do anything, when you start decluttering, when you start organizing, when you start doing your work right, and that's the idea about it. And so, once you go through the quiz and you find out your animal ally, you will get some personalized tips from me that helps you leverage your strength and navigating your challenges. And yeah, I also just tried to make it fun the quiz, and that's also why I came up with the animals. It's a little bit more fun than just tell you oh, your fire or your air. So that's why I came up with these animals, who represent the core archetype of this energy. So we can make it all a little bit more fun. And, let's be real, we could all use a little bit more fun in our life, and especially when it comes to getting organized, it doesn't have to be just so boring or serious. So let's infuse some fun. And so, because you're my loyal listeners, I'm really inviting you to go through this early iteration of the quiz. I want to put it out there for your feedback.

Conny Graf:

Now, when I say feedback, I'd like to ask you to be kind and take into consideration. It's still a prototype, about 80% of where I want it to eventually be. There might be still too many questions, I'm wondering, or then maybe somebody might think there's not enough questions. The tech seems to work pretty good. I tested it yesterday late at night and it worked. But maybe when you do the quiz you come across something that doesn't work, so please let me know. This kind of feedback will be invaluable.

Conny Graf:

So the other thing that isn't all the way done is also the results page, like all the tips and suggestions and everything. I don't have this all together yet. Also, this is something that we go through in the week one of the Jumpstart program, for sure, but I want to also put a PDF together for whoever of you that goes through the quiz, so you get this as a gift. You might, as I said, not get it right off the bat, unless I get this all done still today or tomorrow, if you listen to this in real time when it comes out, so June 17, 2024. As I said, not everything might work 100%.

Conny Graf:

The quiz is not 100% final. It's a prototype, but I'm still excited about it and I think it's good enough that you can go through it and you get some insights. So if you are ready to find your animal ally, if you're just a little bit curious about what you could be a dragon, a tortoise, a hummingbird or a dolphin head over to the link in the show notes and take the quiz. And hey, if you love the idea of this quiz, if you love your results, share it with a friend. Let's spread the fun and help more people on their journey from chaos to peace. Of fun and help more people on their journey from chaos to peace.

Conny Graf:

The idea with this quiz is also to give you a taste again what the chaos to peace jump start program is all about. I talked about more about that program last week on the episode so episode 220, you hear more about what it's all about. Taking this quiz might actually entice you to join the program At least that's what I'm hoping. So there is still time to become a founding member and pay actually the lower price. Eventually, the price for Jumpstart will be much higher. To join the Jumpstart program you can also head over to the show notes or you can go directly to connygrafcom forward slash Jumpstart.

Conny Graf:

Conny C-O-N-N-Y-G-R-A-F dot com slash jumpstart. Okay, my friend, that was it for today. Thank you so much for joining me and listening all the way to the end. I want to end here to remind you understanding your unique traits and organizational style is really the first step to a more peaceful and organized life. And so, again, if you know somebody who might be interested in the quest or the Jumpstart program, I would be very grateful if you would share this episode with them and help them also move forward on the journey from chaos to peace. I'm Conny Graf, and until next time, take good care, stay organized and stay peaceful. Bye for now, thank you.

Inner Animal Ally Archetype Quiz
The Path to Peaceful Organization