Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants

214. How emotions are getting locked in spaces (energetic clutter clearing) with Marilyn Penny

April 29, 2024 Conny Graf / Marilyn Penny Season 2 Episode 214
214. How emotions are getting locked in spaces (energetic clutter clearing) with Marilyn Penny
Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants
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Chaos to Peace with Conny: Business and Finance Organizing Tips for Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants
214. How emotions are getting locked in spaces (energetic clutter clearing) with Marilyn Penny
Apr 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 214
Conny Graf / Marilyn Penny

>> I'd love to hear from you, send me a Text Message ;-)

In the first part of the episode I talk about the reasons why a cluttered space feels so very heavy and how we are energetically connected with everything we own. Which then leads me to my guest Marilyn Penny. 

Marilyn is a Soul Realignment Practitioner and a reader of the Akashic Records. She brings a unique blend of spiritual insight and pragmatic expertise to real estate as well as our personal well-being with a specialized focus on dissolving negative energetic blocks. 

I have already as a teenager realized how our environment has an effect on us, how when we change the environment to the better we can feel better, we'll think clearer, and act with more clarity. So I was particularly excited to talk with Marilyn about her work that complements so beautifully with my work and mission. 

Marilyn and I talk about: 

  • how homes have a soul
  • that emotions can get locked in spaces 
  • why a house can make us feel stuck or worse it can make us even sick 
  • what are the Akashic Records
  • what happens during a Soul Realignment session
  • What recurring things she had to clear from properties and
  • what the benefits are of energetically clearing our space

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>> I'd love to hear from you, send me a Text Message ;-)

In the first part of the episode I talk about the reasons why a cluttered space feels so very heavy and how we are energetically connected with everything we own. Which then leads me to my guest Marilyn Penny. 

Marilyn is a Soul Realignment Practitioner and a reader of the Akashic Records. She brings a unique blend of spiritual insight and pragmatic expertise to real estate as well as our personal well-being with a specialized focus on dissolving negative energetic blocks. 

I have already as a teenager realized how our environment has an effect on us, how when we change the environment to the better we can feel better, we'll think clearer, and act with more clarity. So I was particularly excited to talk with Marilyn about her work that complements so beautifully with my work and mission. 

Marilyn and I talk about: 

  • how homes have a soul
  • that emotions can get locked in spaces 
  • why a house can make us feel stuck or worse it can make us even sick 
  • what are the Akashic Records
  • what happens during a Soul Realignment session
  • What recurring things she had to clear from properties and
  • what the benefits are of energetically clearing our space

From Chaos to Peace Consulting Inc -

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Conny Graf:

Welcome to my podcast from Chaos to Peace with Conny. I am Conny Graf and your host, and I will explore with you how a few minutes a day can keep the chaos away, and with chaos we're talking about the physical, digital, social, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter that can accumulate in our life and business. In every episode, I want to make you aware how clutter is so much more than you think, how it affects your finances, and how clearing your clutter leads to more time, more money and more peace. Let's go Well. Hello, my friend. Welcome to the podcast. I am Conny Graf, your host. Thank you so much for allowing me back into your ears.

Conny Graf:

When I was going through my clutter clearing training back in 2016, we didn't really learn how to live clutter-free or how to organize things or how to let go of things. It was required that we knew that all already and that we actually were living as clutter-free as possible already, but what we did learn, though, was how to help someone gaining the clarity what they wanted in their life, like what kind of life and what kind of lifestyle they wanted, what possessions that would involve, and also how to help someone to go through the letting go process Letting go of an outdated life, including its contents mostly physical contents, but also papers and digital content and all the clutter that I'm always talking about here on the podcast, right, and that's what clutter is in its essence Things that are outdated in our life, thoughts that are outdated in our life, emotions that are outdated in our lives, and even energies, energetic states, that are outdated in our life. And we hang on for one reason or another. And when we start decluttering, when we start letting go of these things, our life becomes more open, lighter, brighter, almost in a way, right, but the thing is we associate having a lot of stuff with being successful and happy, and we work hard towards owning a house, a car, nice clothes and accessories, and some of us always wanted to have the newest, the best, the biggest, the most impressive, the best, the biggest, the most impressive, right, whatever.

Conny Graf:

And you know you might think I'm not that way, but I catch myself too that sometimes I fall into this trap and think, oh, I need this or I need that to be happy, and oftentimes those things makes us happy for a few minutes. Those things makes us happy for a few minutes, maybe for a day or two, but not in our core right and then we continue to compare ourselves to others. We assume that their lives are richer or more rewarding, and also partly on what we see what stuff they're putting on display, on what we see what stuff they're putting on display, what perfect life they're portraying on Instagram or on Facebook or on TikTok or wherever right. But in reality, all this stuff is really weighing heavy on us and you might not consciously feel this right now because you're so used to the heaviness that it feels normal and so you don't notice it. And oftentimes only when we start letting go of things, decluttering, getting organized, cleaning our surroundings up somewhat we will all of a sudden feel how a heavy weight has been lifted off our shoulders.

Conny Graf:

I hear this a lot from my clients. What a relief it is to let go of things. Here is an example from Leah. I have a whole new perspective now and my relationship with stuff has evolved along the way. I have removed literally two truckloads of stuff from my house so far, stuff that has been weighing me down mentally and emotionally. What a relief.

Conny Graf:

And again, the reason why it feels so heavy is that we are energetically connected with everything we own, and if you own a lot of stuff, especially stuff that you actually don't really love and use or don't really love and use anymore. These things are weighing you down and no wonder you're feeling tired and heavy and sluggish and stuck and whatever else. Now, letting go of the unloved and unused stuff frees unimaginable energies in our body. Unloved and unused stuff frees unimaginable energies in our body and when we let go of things that have no room in our life, we will physically feel this in our body, we will feel lighter and we will feel like we are all of a sudden in the flow again and we feel energized.

Conny Graf:

You hear me say a lot on this podcast. What you change in your surroundings has an effect on what's going on inside of you and vice versa, as within. So without so updating your outside world will update your inside world and lead to more joy, fulfillment and luck in your life, even with less possessions and more than you can imagine right now. Healthy energy, light energy is flowing energy. So let your energy flow again by starting to let go of what you don't love and don't use, and you can start by every day asking yourself what can I let go today? As I always say, a few minutes a day keeps the chaos away.

Conny Graf:

And this energetic connection to all the things we own and the energetic connection to our homes that we live in, that we occupy, brings me to today's guest, marilyn Penny. Marilyn is a soul realignment practitioner, a reader of the Akashic Records and, with both, with a specialized focus on dissolving negative energetic blocks. And you have heard me telling the story here on the podcast and maybe elsewhere, how I, already as a teenager, realized how our environment has an effect on us, how when we change the environment, we can feel better, think clearer, act with more clarity. So I was particularly excited to talk with Marilyn about her work she does and that complements so beautifully on an energetic level what we initiate by starting to let go and clear the clutter on the physical level and the mental level.

Conny Graf:

Right, so I talk with Marilyn about how our homes have a soul and how emotions can get locked in spaces like, for example, in our home or in our home office, why a house can make us feel stuck or, worse, how it can make us even feel sick, what some recurring things were that she cleared from properties and what some benefits are of energetically clearing your space. And so, without further ado, let's jump into this conversation with Marilyn Penny, the sole realignment practitioner and reader of the Akashic Records. Welcome, Marilyn, I'm excited to have you on the podcast. How are you today?

Marilyn Penny:

Thanks, Conny. It's great to be here. I am super great.

Conny Graf:

That's so awesome. I always love it when my guests are great, so I have an international audience, and so in the beginning I always like to ask my guests where in the world are you located? And also tell us one thing about you that has nothing to do with what we're talking about afterwards, like something funny or surprising.

Marilyn Penny:

Sure, sure, yeah. So I am from Toronto, canada, born and raised and pretty much always lived in the, in the province of Ontario anyway, and one interesting thing about me is I'm a proud mama. I have a daughter who lives in Seoul, south Korea, and she is fluent in Korean and she lives there and I've been over there a couple times to visit and, yeah, it's fascinating to all of us that she fell in love with the culture and the language and picked it up, learned it. It's, I blows my mind every day.

Conny Graf:

So I'm super proud of her.

Marilyn Penny:

And I guess it's not the easiest language to learn, right um no, not at all so, but she says it's easier to learn than English. So because she teach, she has taught English too. So I'm like okay okay, interesting, interesting.

Conny Graf:

So I'm coming originally from Switzerland and we always were taught that English is one of the easier languages to learn Maybe not like the grammar and everything if you go down into the nitty gritty, but just to learn and to be able to speak fairly quickly. So this surprises me. Now when she says it's Korean is easier than English, but she will know as a teacher exactly, exactly yeah, yeah, yeah.

Conny Graf:

So I want to dive into a very interesting conversation with you, marilyn, and so I have talked about it on the podcast for a few times already here my regular listeners will know that that I always say, like from an early age I kind of felt the effects of our environment on me, on our body, on our mental state and everything. And you, you say something similar, but I don't know, when did you experience that the environment has an effect on us? When did you learn that? Or when did you first realize that?

Marilyn Penny:

let's say like that Well, it really came along with my sort of spiritual journey when I discovered that you know, I had an ability to read in the Akashic Records and I was working on clearing souls for people and then I came to learn that I could also clear properties. So then I started learning about what kinds of emotions and things that are attached to your property that can unsettle the energy and make you feel unstable and make you feel some things that maybe you thought you got past. And with my history of I've been through depression myself, and just knowing that, coming through it consciously but then still feeling that kind of heaviness in my space, it started to make sense for me. I mean, this was years later. I wish I had known back then that I could have had my property cleared of some of those emotions and sort of lifted me out of it from that perspective.

Marilyn Penny:

So so yeah it's sort of been an evolution of me learning the different aspects of you know a property has a soul, like a person has a soul, so their energy can also be uplifted and their vibration elevated so that you feel more peace and contentment.

Conny Graf:

And how did you like get on the path, on this spiritual path, like what happened, or how did you come across reading Akashic records or doing these soul alignment or realignments, even for people and for properties? Because this is not like something that we hear. Maybe more and more we hear it, but it's not something that we just hear like every day. Oh, I'm, I'm reading, reading Akashic records. I would say that a lot of people wouldn't even know what you're reading.

Marilyn Penny:

They would think that's an interesting book hotel sales and recruitment, and I always I was always coaching was always a part of what I did and helping people and you know learning about their paths and how I could help them, so coaching sort of came naturally to me. So I became a life coach and then I really wanted something more specific. I wanted to have more tools and I came across a teacher for Akashic Records. I didn't even know what they were. I was completely as surprised as everyone else. And I came across a teacher for Akashic Records. I didn't even know what they were. I was completely as surprised as everyone else, and then I started diving in and I realized it just came so easily to me.

Marilyn Penny:

And then I have learned in the past recent years that this is something that I have done before in many of my lifetimes. This is something that is natural to me and I didn't come into my gifts of doing this until I was in my 50s. So it's really it's a message to people too like it's never too late to change course and do something different and, you know, step into your purpose, and I really feel like I have finally done that yeah, I sometimes.

Conny Graf:

I sometimes feel like, especially like you you correct me but especially like with coaching, or also spiritual coaching, space clearing. I don't know so much about reading Akashic records, but in general I think it's better if we have some life experience under our belt belt compared to. I mean, some people may be born as old souls, so to speak, but most people um benefit from having been around a little bit right before they um do things like this, or or even allow, or maybe then the other thing is allow themselves to do the things that they're pulled towards and don't care so much about whether that's now something on a reservation check off or not yeah, and I think it just helps you connect with people.

Marilyn Penny:

If you have had life experiences and and I've had a lot of really, you know I've had a lot of really, you know I've done a lot of different things and experienced a lot of things so I can, you know, I can connect with my clients on that and say, well, yeah, I've been through that, just from, you know, from an empathic and empathetic standpoint. I've, you know, yeah, I've experienced that, so I understand where you're coming from and that's that's really helpful.

Conny Graf:

Definitely. I think so too. Yes, and so the Akashic records. Maybe we, we quickly say in one, two sentences what it is, in case somebody listens and really also have no idea, has also no idea what it is.

Marilyn Penny:

So when you're created as a soul, you're perfect and you're loved. And then, as you travel through lifetimes, you make choices and you maybe some of the consequences of those choices aren't so good, maybe they weren't great choices for you. So the Akashic record stores all of these choices and consequences, all the stories of your lifetimes. So I was actually a keeper of the records and a writer of the records for many lifetimes. So I was actually a keeper of the records and a writer of the records for many lifetimes. And now I'm able to read those stories and bring those blocks forward for you to say okay, this happened to you in the past lifetime.

Marilyn Penny:

How is that now replaying for you? How did it get stuck? So it's sort of like this repeating patterns. You know when people say they're in relationships and the same things happen over and over again. That's a repeating pattern. That's something that has happened to you, that you've experienced in your soul, that is now repeating for you until we understand it and we can clear it. So that's the beauty of of what I can do is actually go in and clear those, those blocks, for you.

Marilyn Penny:

So it is it is woo but I have a practical approach to it because I I have been a practical business person for the first 40 years or so and you know, so now I can sort of bring that practicality into a spirituality thing, you know, aspect, and and share that with people, people, so that I think helps to, to make them under, help them understand it yeah, so it's basically clearing clutter on the soul level, right, so would you?

Conny Graf:

would you would you say, sounds woo. But I think, like science more and more gets to the place too, that a lot of things that we considered woo just a few years ago they're now scientifically proven, and there's probably going to be the day when this is going to be proven too, that this is a thing. So how would you? How would you then say, like you said, you have a practical way of looking at it? I always say too, it's like I have my head in the clouds and my feet firmly on the ground and I'm very woo in a way. How would you explain the practical part of what, how you're, how you're doing that akashic reading or the um clearing of the clutter in the soul? How would you do this in a practical way? Like what, what do you do different compared to, maybe, somebody who is saying I'm only woo and I don't care about practical okay.

Marilyn Penny:

Well, I mean from from that aspect, you, we, I being Wu, I love being spiritual, but we do live in a 3D world, so we do have to sort of bring those two things together, the sort of fifth dimension and the third dimension. So the practicality that I bring when people tell me they've been through past life, readings for instance, and they learn that they were from the 18th century and they were wearing certain outfits and doing certain things, what I do is I read, but I make it very relevant to current day. So I'll say you know, you were driving a car, you were talking on a phone, you were doing things that you do now, but I'm saying this was lifetimes ago, just so that it makes it. It makes it, it helps you to understand If I say someone placed a constraint on you, you know, several lifetimes ago, and it had the energy of criticism. So where is that? Where is that occurring for you in this lifetime? Who have you given your power away? That makes you criticize yourself or make you feel criticized. And then we sort of talk that out and go okay, that's done now, we're done with that. And then that sort of just brings some relief, like to say, okay, I understand now how that's come about.

Marilyn Penny:

And the same with properties. I'm pulling out emotions, I'm finding out. Is there isolation, is there loss, is grief, depression? What is locked up in the walls of your home that I can release for you? And I also talk about earthbound souls Like it does get a little, it does get a little woo, like spirits that are attached to your property, carrying certain energies. Um, I also look at your assignment of your land. So was your land assigned as something other than a home? Was it a battleground at one time, which is sort of making the energy unstable so I can reassign your property energetically so that it doesn't have that anymore. So, yeah, yeah, it's like the clutter. You're absolutely right, and that's why it falls in line so well with what you do, because you have the will, but you also do the physical declutter, you help people with that.

Conny Graf:

Yeah, I learned from Karen Kingston, who does clutter clearing on an energetic level as well. So she, basically, but I think she does it different than you do, at least, at least back then when I learned from her so she, what she can do is she can walk into a property and touch the wall with her hand and then she knows what all happened to the house or what energies need to be cleared. So that's kind of. I didn't learn that part. I learned that the more practical way and the how to deal with the emotions that go along with clearing clutter Right, but I can totally see what you're saying. Clearing clutter right, but I can totally see what you're saying. You're just doing it the way it sounds to me, from a like, more from a virtual like, from from away, and not necessarily in the house, right you?

Marilyn Penny:

don't necessarily be in the house.

Marilyn Penny:

All my work is virtual yeah so it's all records and soul-based and I can actually speak to the property and get some you know imagery back and some messages to say the house is is sad, or the house is angry, or the house needs some love, or it needs some flowers or it needs you know, like I'm able to share that information, which is great, and quite often how it ties in with what you do. I can clear a property of it of the stale energies, elevate the vibration and the motivation level for people in the house to start clearing and start doing that at the physical level, which is really great. I love when I hear those those kinds of benefits, right?

Conny Graf:

Yeah, I can totally see how it goes hand in hand. So maybe somebody starts with physically decluttering their home and then comes across obstacles unseen obstacles, maybe or the clutter just creeps back in, no matter what they're doing, and then I could see that maybe it has something to do with, energetically, what is locked in the space, right? Did you want to talk a little bit about how such restricting or quote unquote negative energies can be locked in a house of somebody, for example? How does that happen?

Marilyn Penny:

Sure, Well, it happens typically over time with certain emotions that you may be feeling, or people that come into the space are feeling them, and typically what happens?

Marilyn Penny:

It's not necessarily locked in. There are portals that are open in your property. So your property is sort of like Swiss cheese and all of these energies are swirling in and out and you know, say, an earthbound soul is hovering outside of your property and it feels that you are feeling some look us or isolation, and that earthbound soul wants to stay earthbound and needs that energy. So it's going to swoop in and sort of and connect to that and make it bigger for you. So you start to feel more, if you feel anxious, and then suddenly there's more anxiety and and and it doesn't make sense, that's that means that there's something connecting to your property that's causing you this, this increased anxiety. So, on top of removing the energies, I also close down portals and protect the space so that things can't come attached and sort of, you know, have your, your energy levels unstable in the property you know, have your energy levels unstable in the property?

Conny Graf:

Yeah, I remember when I learned, went through the training for cloud clearing with Karen Kingston, we also learned how to protect ourselves against these energies when we do go into other people's homes. Like how do we make sure those energies or entities don't attach themselves to us and we take it then back home to our house? So I do kind of get what you're talking about. It's just I'm not talking about it very often because I don't feel like an expert on it. I know how to protect myself from it If I go to other people's's houses, because that's what Karen Kingston taught us.

Conny Graf:

Um, oh good yeah yeah, it's still a bit of mystery how you can do this from afar, but nothing is impossible, because I learned energy healing from afar too, so it's all energy right so that's it's most likely how it works right?

Marilyn Penny:

yeah, it's all energy and and just like a medium would work. You know you could do a Zoom session with a medium and they can connect to your energy and the energy of your loved ones. It's all, we're all one. We're all one, we're all connected. So some people do like to have that physical touch and that ability, but I've learned how to do it remotely 't I don't need to be on property, which makes it easier, I think, for everybody, because you, I, could do it all through COVID.

Conny Graf:

it was lovely, exactly, exactly and and we can do so much from, from remote. It's like I used to go to people's homes before COVID and actually now after I almost hardly ever go to somebody's house because I also understand it's quite a big deal to just let a stranger into your home. So if you can do it a bit through the screen, which gives the other person maybe a bit more like not safety, because if they don't trust you they wouldn't probably come, but it's just, it gives them a little bit more privacy Maybe we call it privacy so you're not walking around or stomping around in their most private rooms of their home. You do it energetically, which is the softer touch, I feel.

Marilyn Penny:

So yeah, and it gives that, it empowers that person to write to. Actually they're doing the work. You're the guide, you're the conduit, you're the person that's helping. And that's what I feel I do is I sort of flip a switch, I sweep. I sweep some energetic clutter away so that you can then move on into what you want to do. So people who want to sell their home and they feel like there's heavy energy and they don't feel like packing or clearing, okay, well, let's do an energetic clearing and then let's call bonnie and get organized and declutter and pack and you know, and then boom, you can get it all done. It's, it's wonderful yeah.

Conny Graf:

So do you have like some recurring theme? What, when, when people call you? Is there something that is so common that you have to clear in somebody's home, like, is there anything? Maybe not, but maybe there is.

Marilyn Penny:

Well, I mean, almost always I come across open portals that there are people that have, that it's unstable energy, and typically people come to me with sleep issues or children who won't sleep in the rooms. Like there's a lot of highly energetic children in this, in this generation, in this next generation after us, that are interacting with spirit and and it's scary for them, especially the really young ones ones. So I've dealt with some parents who they accept that the child has some gifts, but they're like how do I deal with this right now? So I'm able to sort of just, you know, adjust the energy of the house and remove some of the souls that are attaching right now to give them some peace and quiet, and then they can move on with whatever they want to do later on, with handling those special, you know, those special gifts that children have. So that's what I'm doing is sort of alleviating a lot of those things by saying, okay, we have some energies in the house that may be an energy of chaos.

Marilyn Penny:

So you know a house that has a lot of kids and pets and you know there might be an energetic highway in there, like called an energetic gateway, and it just means the energy changes. You know, sometimes you're feeling great. 10 minutes later you're like, oh, I'm exhausted. And then you're happy, then you're sad and you're like, why am I on this roller coaster of emotions? And it's because you have open portals and gateways and energies flying in and out and we just need to, you know, calm it down. And it's energetic. So you're just sort of feeling off, but you don't really know why. You know.

Conny Graf:

Yeah. So a thought that came to me when you were just talking now is is that what we in the old days called a haunted house, or is that again something different, or is that exactly what it is basically?

Marilyn Penny:

noise or lights that flicker, and sometimes it's electrical and sometimes it is it is some spirit, it is something attached that's clicking and people yeah, people would think that's haunted. So I think, mostly what I find and some people say, you know, it's like it's an angry ghost or an angry spirit, and I think it's not. It's not necessarily anger and it's not dangerous, it's just frustration, because there are souls that are stuck in this realm, that are attached and they don't know how to release. So that's where I come in and other people like me who can release and release souls into their next experience, which is, I think, lovely, because you know we don't want that.

Marilyn Penny:

I don't want to have people feeling frustrated and stuck and you know, and upsetting people, because a house won't sell. If you see, you go in there and you feel like this energy and you don't feel right in the house, but it's a beautiful house. You have these gorgeous houses on the market that sit for a long time and it's like why? Why isn't that selling? And it's, it's. I think it's just a case of energy, it's just not.

Conny Graf:

So you do these Akashic readings where you say it's basically clutter clearing for the soul and you also do it for the property. Now what I'm wondering is is like, if we so I had that actually when we were, before we were buying this house we were looking at one that I actually was interested in and we came out and we were sure there is a ghost in there, kind of thing. But what I'm wondering is sometimes too is like is there a connection or an interplay between what we have maybe cluttered up in our soul and what is cluttered up in the property that then doesn't harmonize or does maybe harmonize? Like when we came to this house, this was not a house that I would have jumped on and I wanted to move into, but it spoke to me, it pulled me in, almost like. So that's where I was wondering is there some kind of a connection between us and our soul and the soul of the house? Maybe?

Marilyn Penny:

Sure, yeah, you will connect and be drawn or attracted to the energy that matches your energy. So the vibe of the house is going to match your vibe. So even if physically, like you said, it's not necessarily the house that I would have chosen, but the energy spoke to me, the energy connected to me. And what I find interesting is that people will be attracted to a particular house and then say they start working on themselves and then they elevate, but then then they become misaligned with their environment because the house itself can't elevate itself right, it can't do spiritual work. So so then that misalignment happens and they're like why am I not happy in my house? Because I was before and now I don't feel happy in my house and it's like it's not. It may just be an energetic misalignment. So we just try to bring that back into line, elevate the house, to then match you again, to align you with it yeah, yeah, I was.

Conny Graf:

I was um thinking that because that it has happened with me a few times, that that. But I was just wondering now. So, you see, I always think of clutter. I always joke with people and say, no matter what we're talking about, I always um can see the connection to clutter. So if we're, and our soul is, let's, let's say it kind of like just a little blonde cluttered, and then the house and its energy is very cluttered, that's maybe not a match in heaven, but it's still an energetic alignment.

Marilyn Penny:

So when you get there and you're like me, and then sometimes people will clear their house and they'll say Well, my house feels better, but I don't feel so good. I think, okay, now we have things that are attached to you and now we have to go in and, you know, dig around and clear out your personal clutter, because we all have lots of clutter, right?

Conny Graf:

so we always have. I don't think we we can ever get rid of all the clutter anyways, because it's it's like somebody once said you can't just take a shower once and be done with it.

Marilyn Penny:

Right, it is a process and that's what I say. Like you know, when you work on your soul journey, it's like peeling an onion you take a layer of blocks and then you move along in your journey and then maybe down the road, you take another layer of blocks. So it's like clearing your clutter. You're clearing a level of clutter and then you live with that for a bit and then you, you know, now I'm ready to go deeper, now I'm ready to make you know. So it is ongoing. All of these processes are are ongoing yeah, absolutely, totally, totally, and it's a.

Conny Graf:

It's a. It's also like as within, so without so, and and when you're changing something on the outside, it will change you on the inside, whether or not you're doing it consciously, and then it's this back and forth, and back and forth, and with what you're doing, it's just one level deeper, right, it's on the energetic level. So did you want to explain a little bit? So if somebody wanted to do this now, either for their property or for themselves, what would their process be? If they would contact you, how do they have to picture this? Like they might be a little nervous calling you. So how would that look? Sure?

Marilyn Penny:

Well, I mean, listening to a podcast like this one gets you know. That brings a little bit of understanding. They can absolutely, you know, have a call with me. You can actually book your property clearings through energyshiftpropertiescom, so that explains everything, and you can reach out to me and email me if you have questions. To do your personal, like a soul realignment, then we'd have a conversation around. This is how it works. This is, you know, what we can do for you.

Marilyn Penny:

I also do relationship readings, so I clear souls within their relationships, which is actually really fun. I try to make this work fun because it can be heavy, right, like it can be. You know past lives and people say, oh, I had, you know terrible past lives and I had this, and that I said the only reason that we're learning about these things is so we can release them. So, so you know, get, take a little bit of humor with it, take it with a grain of salt and and really try to move on from it, because that's going to make you have the best outcome, right? So, yeah, so I'm happy to uh, yeah, I'm happy to hear from, from anybody that is interested in elevating their soul, the soul of the property. That's what we're here for To elevate, to grow, to expand.

Conny Graf:

Yeah, and I love that you say you want to bring some humor into it, because that's kind of what I'm doing too. I always say, like life is really sometimes heavy and hard enough. We don't need to make everything so heavy. We can bring some humor in it. To make everything so heavy, we can bring some humor in it. And when we're thinking about it, how we sometimes cling to things, especially physical clutter, we cling to it and then if you could just take a step back and look at it from a different angle, it is actually sometimes hilarious, right?

Marilyn Penny:

Oh yeah. The stuff I hold on to.

Conny Graf:

Yes, I hear that, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, we're all like that. I mean I can, I can tell stories about what stuff I'm holding on to and I am aware, and that sometimes means I can't let it go, and sometimes it means I can't let it go yet and I have to laugh about myself a little bit right and you have to give yourself some grace, I mean you know, we're we're humans and you know, and if you want to, if you're not ready to let go of something, that's okay.

Marilyn Penny:

You know, maybe you will be next time. So what are you ready to let go of? You know what are you ready to release, and and that's like your soul. Your soul actually tells me in the house of the soul is telling me by revealing these blocks and these things that are coming up, it's actually giving us permission to let them go now. It's time for that to go now. So not everything's going to, maybe go the first time, but that's okay. That's okay.

Conny Graf:

Yeah, that that is good to hear, Because I just remember too. It's like what I always say is like I never tell you to let go of anything that you're not ready to let go of. And I would just wanted to ask you, how do you make sure what you're clearing is in alignment with what they want, or what their soul wants? And you just answered that so perfect.

Marilyn Penny:

Yeah, it's always based on your intention. You have free will. So if you are holding on to something which I mean, I haven't run into anybody yet that doesn't want to let go of what I found. So you know, I'm pretty sure, usually when they see, oh okay, I get that now and I, yeah, I need to let that go now.

Marilyn Penny:

So yeah, it's it's, it's lovely, it's just the outcome is so beautiful to hear, and even even I've had people tell me that as soon as they set the intention and they they book it, things start to shift. Already Like and I'm sure you find that too, when people book with you that they start to say, oh, I have an appointment with Conny, I can start clearing things up now. Like I'll start, you know, you just get that kind of, oh, I'm going to get some help with this, so I'm ready to go now.

Marilyn Penny:

Yeah, yeah but that's what we're often with all kinds of things say, right, the minute we have the intention or we commit things, start moving this, give me some help. You know, open it up and then you know, in drops Conny with a message or an Instagram post and you go, wow, I was just thinking about some decluttering and there she is. You know, like it's so interesting.

Conny Graf:

Yeah, if we pay attention, then we have designs everywhere, right?

Marilyn Penny:

That's right, that's right.

Conny Graf:

It's such an interesting conversation I could have it all day long, but I want to be a bit mindful of the audience, so did I not ask you something that you feel like this really still needs to be part of this conversation to before we wrap up?

Marilyn Penny:

I just wanted to give a couple of quick tips, and one is about if you have remains or I guess we call them cremains like cremated animals or family members in your house.

Marilyn Penny:

They will emit a lot of yin energy. So it's very important to have plants nearby that can transmute that energy, and you may even do that in your work. But that's just something I wanted to share that I come across quite often. So that's one thing. The other thing is when you notice that people come over and they stay together and this is something sort of for realtors too, like if someone's coming to look at a house and they all stay together, like the family kind of moves around as a unit that means that they may not feel super comfortable in that space. But if they come into the space and they spread out and they, oh, look at this room, look at that room, look at you know, then you get a sense of, oh, those people feel comfortable in that space. So that's even kind of cool for when you have people coming over. If they stay kind of glommed up together, maybe there's something energetically off in your place. So just a couple tips.

Conny Graf:

That's awesome tips. I've actually never come across anybody that had ashes from somebody I don't remember. I don't think so. So well it's not necessarily something that they would want to declutter, so maybe that's why.

Marilyn Penny:

But uh, yeah, but plants that's a very good tip and plants are very um beneficial in all kinds of rooms.

Conny Graf:

Anyways, like they bring in absolutely, absolutely.

Marilyn Penny:

but if you put them right beside an urn, you'll notice that your energy will lift, because it's taking your energy. He's taking, it's taking your energy, it's trying to take your energy away, so you feel depleted. So that's just a good tip to have in your back pocket.

Conny Graf:

Yes, very good tip, Thank you. I will use that one for myself, like in my work. Yes, thank you.

Marilyn Penny:

So last question what does peace mean to you? Peace to me means that I think that everyone gets just, gets along. Everyone accepts each other for who we are and and what we are and what we do. Like it's just not. There's no, there's no aggravation, there's no frustration. There's no, there's no aggravation, there's no frustration. There's no offense like people taking offense of things. That would be peace for me.

Conny Graf:

Beautiful, beautiful. Thanks so much, marilyn, for your time and for the very insightful conversation.

Marilyn Penny:

Thank you, Well, thanks for having me on the show, Conny I appreciate it.

Conny Graf:

Hey, I'm Conny, your host, and I wanted to thank you for listening to the podcast today. Did you know you can bring your chaos to me. If you struggle with chaos in your office, on your desk, in your files and finances, use the link in the show notes and sign up for a complimentary 30 minutes. Chaos to peace jumpstart call.

Clearing Clutter for Health and Energy
Spiritual Journey and Soul Connection
Energetic Property Clearing and Protection
Remote Energetic Clearing and Property Readings
The Connection Between Soul and Space